Withdrawal from Course:
You have the right to withdraw from the course at any time with a written notice. If you withdraw from the course of instruction after the period allowed for cancellation of this agreement which is 3 business days following the receipt of the SABRE ICON the school will remit a refund less a registration fee of $150 within 30 days.
Tuition Refunds after you have started the program
If you cancel enrollment after you have started the study program, you can receive the following refund based on time of written notification.
Tuition Refunds
If you cancel enrollment after you have the ICON, you can receive the following refund based on time of notification and postmark:
After 1st week and within one week ………. 50% refund
After 2nd week and within two weeks ….. 25 % refund
After 3rd week and third weeks ………….. No refund
You must notify Dianne Tuttle in writing to receive a refund. Refunds do not include the $150.00 non-refundable deposit.