Any questions or problems concerning this school which have not been satisfactorily answered or resolved please contact Dianne Tuttle, CTC school administrator.
SABRE Computer Reservation System CD-ROM “The Graphic View”
10 weeks program. Each class 2 hours twice a week plus 30 hours of lab time
Course fee US $1295.00
Excused Absences
Absences will be excused for illness, death or birth in the immediate family or for valid reasons stated in writing, at the discretion of the school.
Unexcused Absences
Each class session you miss will be considered as one unexcused absence. No makeup sessions will be allowed.
Late arrival to class will be considered as one unexcused absence.
Unsatisfactory Attendance
If you have three (2) or more unexcused absences in any class, you will receive written notification of probation and the third unexcused absence will result in termination of the course and no refund will be made.
Make up Work
At the discretion of the school, make-up work may be al¬lowed but will not be accepted as hours of class attendance.
Leave of Absence
Written requests for a leave of absence will be considered by the school and granted at the discretion of the school administrator or director.
Note: You are expected to attend classes as scheduled. However, you are cautioned that the refund policy is effected as cited in this catalog whether or not you attend as scheduled.
Student Conduct
At the discretion of the school, the administrator may dismiss you from school for a serious or repeated incident of unethical or immoral behavior.
Student Services
Students may make an appointment with school administrator. They may make an appointment for counseling for their career, go over test scores, discuss the curriculum, use the library or make use of the school environment with a potential client.
Tuition Refunds before Classes Begin
If you choose to enroll in the payment program that is when your cancel penalty begins from your first payment, even though you have not attended any classes. Students that choose to pay on the payment program will not receive a refund.
You may cancel enrollment within three working days following enrollment and your first payment that is received. You must notify Dianne Tuttle in writing to receive a refund.
Withdrawal from Course:
You have the right to withdraw from the course at any time with a written notice.If you withdraw from the course of instruction after the period allowed for cancellation of this agreement which is 3 business days, the school will remit a refund less a registration fee of $150 within 30 days.
All CD-ROM disks must be returned at the time of submitting refund.
Tuition Refunds after you have started the program
If you cancel enrollment after you have started the study program, you can receive the following refund based on time of written notification.
Tuition Refunds
If you cancel enrollment after you have the disk, you can receive the following refund based on time of notification and postmark:
After 1st week and within one week ………. 50% refund
After 2nd week and within two weeks ….. 25 % refund
After 3rd week and third weeks ………….. No refund
You must notify Dianne Tuttle in writing to receive a refund. Refunds do not include the $150.00 non-refundable deposit.
For questions regarding Academy Travel Service Fees and Refund Policies please Visit Service Charges & Refund Policies page.